First cycle degreeBiotech Engineering for Health - New institution course a.y. 2025-2026Ingegneria GestionaleIngegneria Informatica e dell'Informazione (curricula: Elettronica,Sistemi e Automazione, Sistemi Informatici,Telecomunicazioni)Matematica Second cycle degree - MSc (in English)Artificial Intelligence and Automation Engineering (programs: Intelligent Systems, Robotics and automation)Electronics and Communications Engineering (programs:Telecommunications for the Digital Society, Electronics for Smart Industry)Engineering ManagementApplied MathematicsComputer and Automation Engineering (programs: Information Systems, Robotics and Automation) until a.y. 2019-20 PostgraduatePhD Program - Information Engineering and ScienceMaster in Lean Health Care ManagementMaster in Bioinformatica e Data Science