PhD Information Engineering and Science

General Information


 Coordinator: Prof. Mauro Barni



The PhD School of Information Engineering and Science at the University of Siena aims to train research professionals equipped with the essential skills to drive and foster innovation in the broad field of information science and technology. Students are prepared in such a way as to provide them with the ability to apply these innovations in practical contexts spanning the realms of science, technology, and industry. This encompasses a wide range of areas, notably but not exclusively, those associated with Industry 4.0, big data, digitalization, ecological transition, and the optimization of energy resources. This goal is achieved with the help of a highly qualified PhD board and with the availability of well-equipped laboratories and research facilities offered by the Department of Information Engineering and Mathematics hosting the PhD school. Enrolled students may choose to carry out their research activity in any of the areas covered by the faculty members. A non-comprehensive list of scientific areas covered by the PhD school include:
  • Applied mathematics
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Automatic Control and Robotics
  • Bioinformatics
  • Complex Systems
  • Computer vision
  • High performance computing
  • Decision support methods for management
  • Electromagnetics Engineering
  • Electronics and Electrical Engineering
  • Electronic Measurements
  • Mathematical Logic and Informatics
  • Sensor networks
  • Signal and Image processing
  • Telecommunications



The Ph.D. program is administered by the Department of Information Engineering and Mathematics (DIISM). The program has a duration of three years, with the possibility of extension up to four years for justified reasons. Ph.D. students fulfill their coursework and methodology requirements by attending a variety of courses and progressively dedicating more time to research over the three-year period. Each year, the school organizes several intensive courses, covering advanced mathematics and engineering topics, which are conducted by renowned international and national experts.
The Ph.D. degree is awarded after successfully defending the thesis in front of a committee composed of experts in the relevant field covered by the thesis.
The Ph.D. program typically enrolls between 50 to 60 students annually, with an average of 25% of students coming from abroad.
Each year, there are approximately 10 to 20 new open positions, funded by the University, private institutions, and companies. Two calls for applications are usually announced in April/May and June, remaining open for 30 days. Applicants are required to hold a Master's degree or obtain one by the end of October. Ph.D. activities typically start on November 1st.



Dip. Ingegneria dell'Informazione e Scienze Matematiche
Via Roma, 56 53100 SIENA - Italy