Cycle of seminars on "EU projects: funding opportunities and testimonials" to be hold in the last week of next months, preferably on Thursday (February 28, March 28, April 24, May 30) from 2:30 to 5:00 pm. Each seminar will give half credit to PhD Students.
The seminars have the double scope to improve our capability to get research financial support from EU, and to know the research activity developed by the new Department. The first seminar (February 28) will have an informative content on the EU framework programs. It will be concerned with a panoramic view of FP7 and H2020, administrative aspects, and management and coordination of projects, with emphasis on IP-ICT projects, and STREP-FET projects.
Please find below a preliminary program of the first seminar:
14:30 S. Rocchi: Welcome
14:35-15:00 S. Maci: An overview of FP7 and H2020
15:00-15:30 M. Ferri; R. Chellini: Aspetti gestionali e amministrativi
dei programmi comunitari
15:30-16:00 M. Barni: The Future Emerging Technology in ICT
16:00-16:30 R. Giorgi: Coordination of large scale integrating Projects
in ICT
16:30-17:00 Round Table
EU projects: funding opportunities and testimonials -1
Wednesday, January 23, 2013 - 14:30
Organized by M.Barni, S. Maci, S. Rocchi, A.Vicino