At present, we are not allowed to do written exams due to the norms for the COVID-19 emergency. If it is not possible to do the exam in a different way, the sessions will be postponed until a later date. We hope to be able to set up special sessions to recover the lost ones, as soon as possible.
Professors can choose to do the exams online, when this fits the specific features of their course. They will communicate it to the students that signed up for the April exam.
Final degree sessions
We plan to do all the April final degree sessions online, in the scheduled dates.
The Government has postponed the deadline for completing the degrees of the academic year 2018-19 to June 15, 2020. We are planning to set up special sessions in the first half of June, for the students who will not meet the April deadlines.
The online teaching is proceeding for almost all the courses. I believe it is a good result, given that everything has been arranged in very few days. Please report any problem to the course instructor or to me, if you think it is necessary.
I also inform you that the internships for which the 60% of the hours have been carried out, can be considered as completed and we can assign the credits expected in the plan of study.
We invite you to respect all the indications of the Ministry of Health (https://www.unisi.it/unisilife/notizie/whats-know-about-coronavirus-2019-ncov). The more we stay at home today, the sooner we'll be back and we will live our University together, as we usually enjoy to do.