Activities: |
This laboratory hosts both research and teaching activities in the area of Computer Architecture.
Main research/teaching topics addressed in the laboratory are related to:
- High Performance Computing
- On-chip Photonics for Chip Multiprocessors
- High-performance parallel programming and programmability of Multi-/Many-core systems
- Embedded System Design
- Optimization strategies for HW/SW adaptation
Examples of application domains that can take advantage from these activities are:
- High Performance Computing (Datacenters, Web Farms, Massively Parallel applications, Financial Algorithms …)
- Multimedia elaboration (Medical, Computer Vision, Astronomical…)
- Embedded Systems (Real Time, Robotics, Industrial automation, Automotive…)
- Mobile Applications (iPhone, Android markets)
- Biology, Pharmaceutical, Geological, Biomedical Applications
- Cyber-security and block-chain enabled domains
Equipments: |
- Computer HP/DL575G7: 64-core, 1024GB memory, Shared Memory Multiprocessor;
- Computer SuperMicro: 48-core, 256GB memory, Shared Memory Multiprocessor;
- 20 Server/Workstation for over total 200 cores, 500GB memory
- 5 NVidia GTX 480 for CUDA GPGPU (NVIDIA donation);
- automatic job-scheduling infrastructure for scientific simulations comprising various servers and workstations, and a shared RAID filesystem;
- 2 Boards FPGA, Xilinx ML-605;
- 1 Board FPGA/Maxeler MAX2C for Dataflow Computing;
- 1 Board Intel Xeon Phi (60 Pentium cores on single chip);
- 2 board FPGA, Xilinx ZC-706;
- 1 board FPGA, Parallela;
- 4 board FPGA, Digilent Zybo;
- 1 board ARM lab-in-a-box;
- 2 board Freescale FRDM-DL46Z;
- schede NVIDIA GTX 2080 e ATI ROG Strix RX VEGA56